
參與這次有由卡城社區服務中心主辦的“塗鴉清潔活動”之團體及義工包括有: Jim Wong from Calgary Chinese Community Service Society (CCCSS) 及 ACCESS (Alliance of Calgary Community Ethnic Support Society). 華埠商業振興區, 新近成立的卡城華埠青獅會 Calgary Chinatown Leo Club; Derek Leo 及 Rachel MAK , 卡城華人社區服務中心義工; 廖邦豪, 劉湘柔, Dam He, Aileen Kwok, Thomas Leung一家, Jacky Liu, Andrea Wong, Derek Yu, Jenny Yuan跟她的小朋友等,各人均付出百分百之熱心,將塗鴉洗得一乾二淨,讓美人眼目的壁畫,再次重現昔日之風彩。卡城華人社區服務中心再次感謝各界支持。
所有沒經同意出現在公共或私人財產上的文字﹑數字﹑字母﹑圖案或貼紙均屬於塗鴉,這個行為是違法的。塗鴉帶來許多不良影響,例如衛生問題﹑破壞市容,甚至是與黑社會及犯罪有關的符號等。我們希望如果您看到有塗鴉的清況出現,請撥打311或者把塗鴉拍下來,上存到網站或手機程式Calgary 311舉報。
On June 24, 2017, CCCSA hosted the graffiti cleanup in Chinatown. 16 volunteers contributed in recovering the mural to its original state by removing the graffiti.
We were able to paint over the graffiti. CCCSA greatly appreciated the help from everyone. Participated volunteers including Jim Wong from Calgary Chinese Community Service Society (CCCSS) and ACCESS (Alliance of Calgary Community Ethnic Support Society).Chinatown District BIA, , the recently formed Calgary Chinatown Leo Club; Derek Leo and Rachel MAK, 廖邦豪, 劉湘柔, Dam He, Aileen Kwok, Thomas Leung’s family, Jacky Liu, Andrea Wong, Derek Yu, Jenny Yuan and her son.
Graffiti is illegal markings such as words, figures, letters, drawings, or stickers applied to public or private property without permission. It also causes potential health problems, exposure to negative messages and hate crime, spreading unattractive images on properties, and may indicate signs of gang activity. If you see any existing graffiti, please take a picture, then call 311 or submit a report online or via the app, Calgary 311.